These past few weeks have been super busy, but yet a little boring around the house. Josh has started a big case at work which has kept him away from home, and also caused him to miss a few events as well. This is one of the things that I wish I could change about his job!
He is the most passionate and dedicated person that I have ever met. Which this, in turn, means that he is amazing at what he does and is an extremely hard worker. Unfortunately, that may mean a few nights away from home and maybe even some all nighters at work! I have missed him so much at home and also that he has been unable to go places with me. And as hard as it may be sometimes to not see each other as often as we would like we constantly remind one another that this is only temporary and it will be over soon.
I honestly cannot even describe in words how supportive, thoughtful, and caring Josh has been through this whole experience. He has been extremely helpful around the house, especially on those nights where I am feeling a little more tired than usual. He will offer to cook dinner (or I can get by with making something simple, without a complaint in the world!), do the dishes, help with laundry or cleaning around the house.
Our usual routine after work goes as follows...
Come home, workout, do things around the house (mow, laundry, etc), cook dinner, play with Boston, watch our favorite shows, and get settled in for the night. I usually fall asleep on the couch and Josh has his "secret life" that he calls it where he watches the History Channel or some channel that is informative and he wakes me up when he is ready for bed so I can stumble my way in. Josh always makes sure that I am comfortable. If my back starts bothering me he will offer to sit on the floor or the smalll couch while I sprawl out on the big couch.
Last week he worked every day of the week and even pulled an all nighter on Friday night, but Sunday on his only day off he spent the day painting the Nursery. I do not tell him enough how much I appreciate everything he does at home and at work. He truly is the most amazing man in the whole world. Through all the late nights and early mornings for work he has still managed to make sure I am taken care of in every way possible and get things done with the nursery or house that he has wanted to get done. Josh is one of those guys that will learn how to fix, install, or build something and do it himself before he would call someone to do it for him. He is very handy and a "man's man":). I am very proud of that fact about him.
Josh is definitely a provider and protector. He wants to make sure that the baby and I have everything we need, so if it means him working longer hours to get a little extra money to spend he will do it. I continually remind him that we would much rather have him home with us that all the money or materials in the world, but like I said early he is a very passionate and dedicated man and will do whatever it takes for his family. I could not have asked for a better person to spend my life with and raise children. He is going to be the most amazing father and cannot wait to see him with our new bundle of joy which will be here before we know it!
So, THANK YOU SO MUCH, JOSHUA, for all you do for our family. You have brought so much comfort to me knowing that I have you on my team for the rest of our lives. I love you.
growing rhamy family

love my little family
MO State Fair
It's been a family tradition the past few years to attend the Missouri State Fair. Why travel all the way down to Sedalia, MO when Iowa has the BEST State Fair in the nation, you say? Well, we started going in order to support family during the Draft Horse Pull that is held there every year. The summer of 2005 my dad, cousin Cody, and I traveled all over the place pulling ponies (Cody the driver, Dad the "coach", and me the Hooker:)) and one of our stops was the Missouri State Fair as well. It has a lot of events that are more tailored toward our interests and lifestyle, such as Mule Jumping and our favorite the Missouri Team Penning!
This year Nick and Josh were both unable to go because of conflicts at work/home so it was just my Mom, Dad, and me. I was definitely looking forward to spending some time with the just the two of them because it's not something I get to do very often and I know once the baby comes these moments will be few and far between. We left early on Wednesday, August 17th so we were able to watch the Horse Pull later on that evening at 5pm. Dad was able to catch up with some old friends (horse pullers) and also a couple family friends from NE Missouri. Dad would tell everyone that I was having twins and that the baby is going to be "Little Willard". I would immediately have to correct him to let them know that I was carrying only one child and that we hope that he is not as ornery as his Grandpa! :)
The next day, Thursday August 18th, we bunkered up and watched Team Penning most of the day. We could sit and watch that all day long! It is where there are 27 head of cattle (3 head of cattle numbered 1-9) are in the arena and 3 people are on horseback. Once the one horse has crossed the plane the announcer lets the team know what number they have to sort out, and from there the team has under 1 minute to get all the same numbered 3 head of cattle in the pen on the opposite side of the arena. One of our favorite places to eat is at Cattleman's where we all got Ribeye Sandwiches and ate with one of dad's friends from the area. We also managed to do a little shopping. I got a new picture frame for the nursery and also a t-shirt that says "Daddy's Little Buddy" for the baby. Josh was pretty excited that I found that shirt:). My dad also found a shirt that he couldn't resist for the little one which read, "Daddy knows alot, but Grandpa knows everything". After telling Josh about it he chuckled a little and jokingly said that our little man wouldn't be wearing that!
Later on that evening we got a devastating phone call from Nick saying that the biggest storm he has ever witnessed was coming through Villisca with 100 mph winds and baseball/golfball sized hail. Between Mom and Dad being on the phone for about an hour we were able to keep up with damage that they had at their house and also some family members. There was no one injured, which was a relief, and all in all I think my parents were pretty lucky considering some of the damage that was done with my Uncle's home. Everything on the North Side of homes, cars, and buildings was damaged along with crops around the area. Much of the crops looked like they had already been harvested! So needless to say it added a little more stress to the vacation and we shortened up our trip and came home Friday morning in order to start the clean up.
This year Nick and Josh were both unable to go because of conflicts at work/home so it was just my Mom, Dad, and me. I was definitely looking forward to spending some time with the just the two of them because it's not something I get to do very often and I know once the baby comes these moments will be few and far between. We left early on Wednesday, August 17th so we were able to watch the Horse Pull later on that evening at 5pm. Dad was able to catch up with some old friends (horse pullers) and also a couple family friends from NE Missouri. Dad would tell everyone that I was having twins and that the baby is going to be "Little Willard". I would immediately have to correct him to let them know that I was carrying only one child and that we hope that he is not as ornery as his Grandpa! :)
Cody at the Horse Pull |
24 weeks 6 days |
Watching MO Team Penning |
My Family is the BEST! |
Later on that evening we got a devastating phone call from Nick saying that the biggest storm he has ever witnessed was coming through Villisca with 100 mph winds and baseball/golfball sized hail. Between Mom and Dad being on the phone for about an hour we were able to keep up with damage that they had at their house and also some family members. There was no one injured, which was a relief, and all in all I think my parents were pretty lucky considering some of the damage that was done with my Uncle's home. Everything on the North Side of homes, cars, and buildings was damaged along with crops around the area. Much of the crops looked like they had already been harvested! So needless to say it added a little more stress to the vacation and we shortened up our trip and came home Friday morning in order to start the clean up.
Mom and Dad's backyard |
Cornfield between Maryville, MO and Clarinda |
Calm before the storm
We have 16 weeks to go! I can't believe it has gone by this quickly. It seems like just yesterday we were beginning our journey toward becoming a family of three! Everyday it has become more real. Josh and I are trying to take advantage of every opportunity we have to just relax and enjoy eachother before our little guy gets here. We know that moments will be few and far between for us to just relax, enjoy a nice dinner or relax at home on the couch.
Josh's case started back up yesterday so last weekend we knew it would be a few weekends before we would both be together with nothing to do. So, Friday night we went for a date night at Sam and Gabe's Italian Bistro and the food was amazing. Josh had a couple glasses of wine, we shared some gelato and tiramisu, and enjoyed eachother's company:). Going out for dinner is probably my favorite thing to do (other than just hanging out home!), so that is one thing that I will miss for awhile, but it will be well worth it!
Saturday I had a bachelorette party for Allison and I was glad I was able to go a little bit that afternoon to spend some girl time and watch her open her "fun" gifts from all of us. Later on that afternoon my family came to town for the Iowa State Fair to watch the Draft Horse Pull. Josh was a line judge this year (I got the honors of doing it last year, but we thought Josh better take my place in case anything "bad" were to happen). After spending some time at the fair we all went back to our house and went to sleep (at 2am!!).
I got up Sunday morning and made breakfast, homemade biscuits (my gma's recipe) and gravy, for everyone and around noon we didn't have any guests so Josh and I had planned to go register for baby gear. I was prepared for Josh probably not being as excited as me and wanting to poop out early, but boy was I wrong. We first went to Babies R Us and spent about 3 hours there (which by that time I was ready to call it quits!), but then we made our way to Target to start our registry there. I had no idea how much a little baby needs!! Josh really impressed me the whole day. He had "the list" with him the whole time and he was the scanner gun controller:). He was very excited about the whole experience and wanted to make sure we got everything our little man needed. He also showed so much patience when I was getting a little tired or when I needed a snack. We finally had left Target and then Josh wanted to go pick out paint for the nursery! I couldn't believe it! I was ready to go home and do nothing the rest of the night, but since I was going to be gone most of this week (Missouri State Fair with my parents) he thought it would be a good idea to paint while I'm gone so I wouldn't have to breathe the fumes in, since he is unable to go because of work. He has exceeded all of my expectations with this pregnancy. I always knew he would take care of me, but he has shown me more love and support that I had thought possible. I truly am a lucky girl!
More belly pics!!
Some pictures from the weekend....
Josh's case started back up yesterday so last weekend we knew it would be a few weekends before we would both be together with nothing to do. So, Friday night we went for a date night at Sam and Gabe's Italian Bistro and the food was amazing. Josh had a couple glasses of wine, we shared some gelato and tiramisu, and enjoyed eachother's company:). Going out for dinner is probably my favorite thing to do (other than just hanging out home!), so that is one thing that I will miss for awhile, but it will be well worth it!
Saturday I had a bachelorette party for Allison and I was glad I was able to go a little bit that afternoon to spend some girl time and watch her open her "fun" gifts from all of us. Later on that afternoon my family came to town for the Iowa State Fair to watch the Draft Horse Pull. Josh was a line judge this year (I got the honors of doing it last year, but we thought Josh better take my place in case anything "bad" were to happen). After spending some time at the fair we all went back to our house and went to sleep (at 2am!!).
I got up Sunday morning and made breakfast, homemade biscuits (my gma's recipe) and gravy, for everyone and around noon we didn't have any guests so Josh and I had planned to go register for baby gear. I was prepared for Josh probably not being as excited as me and wanting to poop out early, but boy was I wrong. We first went to Babies R Us and spent about 3 hours there (which by that time I was ready to call it quits!), but then we made our way to Target to start our registry there. I had no idea how much a little baby needs!! Josh really impressed me the whole day. He had "the list" with him the whole time and he was the scanner gun controller:). He was very excited about the whole experience and wanted to make sure we got everything our little man needed. He also showed so much patience when I was getting a little tired or when I needed a snack. We finally had left Target and then Josh wanted to go pick out paint for the nursery! I couldn't believe it! I was ready to go home and do nothing the rest of the night, but since I was going to be gone most of this week (Missouri State Fair with my parents) he thought it would be a good idea to paint while I'm gone so I wouldn't have to breathe the fumes in, since he is unable to go because of work. He has exceeded all of my expectations with this pregnancy. I always knew he would take care of me, but he has shown me more love and support that I had thought possible. I truly am a lucky girl!
More belly pics!!
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21 weeks |
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23 weeks |
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24 weeks (6 months!) |
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Josh and Uncle Dan at the Horse Pull |
Squirm, squirm!
I have finally started to feel Baby Rhamy squirm, move, and kick! Last week I had a work trip to Boulder, CO and I was lying in my bed in the hotel room on Wednesday (July 27th) and felt almost like a pulse! I had a co-worker come over to look to see if she could see it to verify and sure enough she did! So I tried to send a video to Josh so he could see it for the first time and I'm not sure that worked out so well:). Since then I have been able to feel him like crazy! I now know what people say when you feel a "flutter", because they have been nonstop since then! They usually start around 4 or 5 in the evening and then a lot right before bed time. I have had Josh put his hand on my stomach a couple times, but he doesn't want to push too hard because he is scared he will hurt him. But I assure him that he has so much protection that a little pressure won't hurt anything. A lot of times he will put his ear to my belly to listen to him move around, which has worked a litte, but sure enough yesterday he was able to feel a few "pulses". It is such an amazing feeling to know that he is moving around in there, because it gives me assurance that he is doing ok and sometimes I think enjoying himself just a little too much! I know this is just the beginning of what is yet to come with the kicks and pokes and cannot wait! (I say that now until he starts keeping me up at night:)).
Speaking of sleeping, for a little while I wasn't sleeping very well because I was just uncomfortable no matter what position I was in. I had back problems before the pregnancy, and am notorious for popping it constantly, but it's gotten a little bit more difficult with my belly getting larger by the day! But for our 2nd anniversary Josh bought me a body pillow called a Snoogle, because the traditional gift is cotton so it was very thoughtful and useful. This thing is like heaven! It isn't just any normal body pillow, but it is in the shape of "C" and you can sleep in lots of different positions with it. So once I'm all wrapped up in that I am out like a light during the night! I definitely reccommend it to anyone who has trouble sleeping!
After my work trip to Boulder, CO I flew out of Denver early Saturday morning into Kansas City. Josh picked me up from the airport that morning and we hung out in our room before we went to a late lunch and then off the the Kenny Chesney/Zac Brown Band Concert at Arrowhead Stadium. I had got these tickets for us back in January, so this is something we had been looking forward to for awhile! Other than being extremely hot it was a great concert! I was ready to be home on Sunday, but it was a great week and weekend!
Speaking of sleeping, for a little while I wasn't sleeping very well because I was just uncomfortable no matter what position I was in. I had back problems before the pregnancy, and am notorious for popping it constantly, but it's gotten a little bit more difficult with my belly getting larger by the day! But for our 2nd anniversary Josh bought me a body pillow called a Snoogle, because the traditional gift is cotton so it was very thoughtful and useful. This thing is like heaven! It isn't just any normal body pillow, but it is in the shape of "C" and you can sleep in lots of different positions with it. So once I'm all wrapped up in that I am out like a light during the night! I definitely reccommend it to anyone who has trouble sleeping!
After my work trip to Boulder, CO I flew out of Denver early Saturday morning into Kansas City. Josh picked me up from the airport that morning and we hung out in our room before we went to a late lunch and then off the the Kenny Chesney/Zac Brown Band Concert at Arrowhead Stadium. I had got these tickets for us back in January, so this is something we had been looking forward to for awhile! Other than being extremely hot it was a great concert! I was ready to be home on Sunday, but it was a great week and weekend!
Live Healthy BE BOULDER Summit 2011 - Boulder, CO Troy, Marci, Trista, Sara, Ashley |
Kenny Chesney/ZBB Concert - Arrowhead Stadium July 30, 2011 |
After a few hours of sweating! |
highlight of the night!! |
I love him!! |
Surprise Party!
July 25, 2011 marked my parents 30th wedding anniversary along with Josh and I's 2nd anniversary. Since I missed their 25th anniversary and couldn't wait for their 50th I thought now would be a good time to throw them a party! I like to surprise people to see the looks on their faces and the joy it brings! So after a month or so of planning, sending invitations, gathering old pictures (secretly from their house), making slideshows, and bringing it all together with the help of Josh and Nick we were able to pull it off! Mom and Dad were totally surprised, and they did not expect it one bit! They were both brought to tears at some point during the evening, so definitely a success!!
Most of Dad's side and Mom's side was able to be there along with lots of friends! They are truly lucky to have so many people that care about them to share these milestones with!
We all had a great time!! So glad so many people were able to be there for them as they celebrated 30 years of marriage.
Most of Dad's side and Mom's side was able to be there along with lots of friends! They are truly lucky to have so many people that care about them to share these milestones with!
VHS Class of '75 |
Family Photo - Josh, Me, Dad, Mom, Nick |
2nd year anniversary! |
30th Anniversary! |
Mom's Family - Janet, Ted, Grandma, Randy, Mom |
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