Less than 11 weeks to go before the little man arrives! I cannot believe how quickly time has gone. I think with us being as busy as we have been it has made time fly by much quicker! I think this has been the only time in history that I have wanted fall and winter to get here as soon as possible. I cannot wait for his arrival!! He is growing by the day and so is Mommy!!
Last weekend we had the "Rhamy Baby Bash" which is our version of a Baby Shower. I've never really been the type of person we likes to get "showered" so we thought something more laid back where people can eat, drink, and socialize was more our style. We had such a good turn out, and we were very thankful for those who came to support us and our little one. We have such great, caring people surrounding us; we are blessed! We also want to thank those that helped out with everything (Mom, Shea, Norma & Adrian, Nick & Bethann, and Justin & Sydney!!).
Friday I took the day off of work and my mom came up early to do some baking and to get everything oraganized before we started cooking on Saturday. I was on my feet most of the day on Friday, so I was exhausted once I was finally able to relax (9pm!!!). Justin and Sydney had come up a day early so we sat and chatted with them before going to bed. Sydney and I compared what things were going on with our pregnancies just to make sure that everything is "normal" and it's always fun to share a time like this with someone close.
Saturday my Mom and I started cooking all the food and got everything decorated and ready for that afternoon and evening. Festivities started around 430 and I think we had everything cleanup by 10pm (my kind of party nowadays:)). There were so many people that came out and at events like that you never feel like you got the chance to talk to everyone as much as what you would like, but it was such a success!
Court and Shea |
Rhamy/Smith family - there will be 3 cousins all within 4 months of each other! |
Due 1 day apart (both boys:)). Surely they won't get into trouble!! |
Crum family |
Josh and some college friends - Sheriff, Ludwig, Schnell |
Anne and Stacy |
Josh, Stacy, KJ |
Always need a family photo!! :) |
I have been quite the slacker on taking weekly pictures, so I am 2 weeks behind!! I will try to remember to do it this Saturday. As far as any updates for this week - after a long weekend of the Baby Bash and a friend of ours daughter had her First Birthday Party on Sunday my feet were pretty much toast! I think they finally started to swell a bit! Yesterday after work I decided to take Boston for a walk, since I took last week off from running, and I got my shoes on and tied but noticed they were much tighter than normal and pretty uncomfortable to wear. That is when I really noticed my feet swelling. If you look at them they look normal, however, they are slightly bigger than normal:). I think today they have gone down, so hopefully I will get to start some sort of exercise routine again this week.
Like I had mentioned before, my back has always bothered me a bit, but it has really started to ache this weekend and yesterday. It is in one spot that is just below my bra line on the left side of my spine. A friend of mine at work gave me an icy/hot patch to see if that would help, but it didn't really do the trick. So after Josh got home and I was almost in tears, because no way that I sat helped my back, Josh called the chiropractor right away and scheduled an appointment for me this morning. After talking with the doctor he informed me that the spot on my back is pretty common amongst pregnant women due to their growing bellies. He also said that during pregnancy a hormone is released (amongst many other hormones!) that causes your joints to loosen up a bit. So after an examination he informed me that I had a vertebre out of place. After some cracking it had felt better, but my muscles around that area are still a little sore. I am supposed to be icing it every 2 hours, but I have not yet done that today. He also told me that it is likely to come out again and will probably last throughout the rest of my pregnancy, but I am going to go back Thursday for another check up and probably get it put back in place again.
So all in all my pregnancy has been pretty easy. Baby Rhamy has also been moving around like crazy! You can feel his bottom and feet now. He is especially more active at night. I fell asleep the other night with Josh's hand on my belly with baby doing punching exercises, it was definitely something I could get used to:).