Bo is 6 months old! Although we have had a couple rough patches the past 3 months being sick from the germ farm, known as daycare, we have thoroughly enjoyed every second we spend with our baby. He is the light of our lives and it feels like he has been apart of us forever. He is such a vibrant, happy, goofy little guy who expresses himself so freely already. We are going to have a goof ball on our hands!!
A brief update on Bo's accomplishments thus far:
- rolls from his back to his belly and belly to back
- enjoys sleeping on his side
- he can find his binkie and put it in his mouth all by himself
- plays with his feet
- twirls his hair (I know, not the most masculine thing, but he has got to do something with it!:))
- sits up by himself and loves to be sitting up
- leans over and sucks on his toes
- he now eats "solids" twice a day
- likes most veggies, but he hates peas and bananas (to the point where he gags every time you put them in his mouth)
- still eats a total of 4 times a day
- sleeps approx 730 pm - 730 am
- loves to smile and giggle at mom and dad
- aggressively plays with his toys - swings his arms quite a bit
- loves his doggie
- reaches for everything in sight (remotes, cell phones, keys...)
- scoots on his back - now if only we can get him to scoot on his front!
- loves bouncing in his Johnny Jump Up
- pushes himself up when he is on his belly
- if he is swinging you now have to strap him in all the time because he will get out!
- wearing 6-9 month clothing (on the tail end of the 6 month size)
- he loves to babble - he says "mom" now, however he doesn't know what it means, also "ba-ba"
6 month stats
- 17 lbs 8 oz (50th)
- 27 inches long (66th %)
- 98% for his head