growing rhamy family

growing rhamy family
love my little family


Nick's Dirty Thirty

My brother turned the dirty 30 on May 20th, so I was so excited to plan yet another surprise party!  It's so fun to see the reactions on people's faces when they know they have been duped!  We had it had my parent's business (the Villisca Detail Center) and it ended up being a great spot to have it!  It has all the necessary commodities to throw a party (music, tv, A/C...).  I was planning on it being a very low-key type of event with just a few snacks, but my parents love their food and ended up getting 50lbs of pork for sandwiches.  So between our few snacks, the 50 lbs of pork, and piles of sweets from Bethann's mom we had a ton of food!  I also made a slide show, so it was very fun to watch!

One of Nick's best friends, Ricky, was able to make the trip from Liberty, MO to visit too!  I know it meant a lot to Nick and he was actually able to spend most of the day Saturday with the guys golfing (Josh, Nick, Ricky, and Ryan).  Saturday afternoon I spent a big portion of the day with Stacy, Ryan's girlfriend.  It was my first time meeting her and she is such a great girl!  We both say we could make friends with a tree, so needless to say conversation was easy and it was great getting to meet her!  Ryan is very lucky! :)  A big thanks to my mom and Bethann for helping as well!

We had a ton of friends and family that were able to make it and it turned out to be a great time!  I think those that stayed the latest ended up leaving a little after 2 am!  It was the first time since Bo that Josh and I stayed up that late!  The next day was a little rough, but well worth it!


enjoying the slideshow


6 month update

Bo is 6 months old!  Although we have had a couple rough patches the past 3 months being sick from the germ farm, known as daycare, we have thoroughly enjoyed every second we spend with our baby.  He is the light of our lives and it feels like he has been apart of us forever.  He is such a vibrant, happy, goofy little guy who expresses himself so freely already.  We are going to have a goof ball on our hands!!

A brief update on Bo's accomplishments thus far:

- rolls from his back to his belly and belly to back
- enjoys sleeping on his side
- he can find his binkie and put it in his mouth all by himself
- plays with his feet
- twirls his hair (I know, not the most masculine thing, but he has got to do something with it!:))
- sits up by himself and loves to be sitting up
- leans over and sucks on his toes
- he now eats "solids" twice a day
- likes most veggies, but he hates peas and bananas (to the point where he gags every time you put them in his mouth)
- still eats a total of 4 times a day
- sleeps approx 730 pm - 730 am
- loves to smile and giggle at mom and dad
- aggressively plays with his toys - swings his arms quite a bit
- loves his doggie
- reaches for everything in sight (remotes, cell phones, keys...)
- scoots on his back - now if only we can get him to scoot on his front!
- loves bouncing in his Johnny Jump Up
- pushes himself up when he is on his belly
- if he is swinging you now have to strap him in all the time because he will get out!
- wearing 6-9 month clothing (on the tail end of the 6 month size)
- he loves to babble - he says "mom" now, however he doesn't know what it means, also "ba-ba"

6 month stats

- 17 lbs 8 oz (50th)
- 27 inches long (66th %)
- 98% for his head


Mother's Day Weekend

I got an early Mother's Day present and I have to say I was so excited to get it!  I got a super nice camera so I can finally take quality pictures of my little Bo...I thought since I had about 2500 pictures on my iPhone, it was about time to do some investing in a nice one.  We went back to Villisca and I was able to get some good shots of my family, my bff and her two boys, and my nephew with Bo as well.  It was a fun learning weekend.  I don't quite know how to use it, but my goal is to know mostly everything within a year.  This mama doesn't have the time she used to learn these things:).  But here are some fun pictures I got over the weekend.  Loved my first Mother's Day!! So grateful to have Bo in my life.  I feel so extremely blessed.

my two boys, love them so much!

Jackie and Bo

He loves Jackie!

Jackie's son, Ben

Jackie's son, Caleb

my dad with his pride and joy, Bob

my daddy

parents new house


my first Mother's Day

Uncle Nick and Bo


He loves Great Grandma, JoAnn

meeting Bob for the first time

We're Godparents

The weekend of Mother's Day (Saturday, May 13th and Sunday, May 14th) we spent back home with my family and Josh's family.  Saturday we helped my parents move into their new house.  Thank you to Sydney and Justin for watching Bo for a few hours while we helped my parents, they were a big help to us!!  We also got to spend some much needed time with Justin and Sydney and Owen:).  We had missed seeing them!

Owen is getting so big, we didn't hardly recognize him with those chubby cheeks and legs!  After we helped move I went back to Syd and Justin's house and Syd and I fed the boys and then went to my parents to eat while Justin was at work.  I know Bo loved spending time with Cousin Owen.  They are so cute together and already play so well together:).

The next morning was Owen's baptism and Josh and I were very honored to be asked to be his Godparents!  Owen is very special to us and are so grateful to have him as our Godson.  Bo is very lucky to have some to grow up with so close in age.  It will be such a joy to watch the two of them in the years to come.  After church Justin and Syd had lunch at their house with a lot of Syd's family as well.  It was a great day for both Josh and I and it was also Syd and I's first Mother's Day, which made it extra special.

playing already


I'll get you!

holding hands....

Us with our Godson, Owen


RSV + ER = Hospital Stay

After I got back from my work trip on Sunday (April 29), Josh and I had noticed that Bo's cough wasn't getting any better.  It started to get really croupy and deep.  We took Bo to daycare on Monday and told them to keep an eye on him because he had a cough and we didn't want it to get any worse.  They had told Josh when he dropped Bo off that 2 babies had been to hospital over the weekend.  Josh immediately called me to schedule an appointment for Bo to be seen on Tuesday afternoon just to make sure.  Well, while picking Bo up on Monday I learned that the 2 babies had RSV (respiratory syncytial virus).  So naturally I began google-ing what that was and what effects it had on babies (I swear google is going to raise our child!).  It turns out that it is a pretty common virus and most kids will get it under the age of 2, or so google said.  We woke up on Tuesday and he hadn't been acting his normal self, so we ended up getting an early appointment at 9 am.  They did a chest xray and also tested for RSV.  The doctor also had us use a nebulizer in the office to see if that would help his breathing.  After the breathing treatment the doctor didn't think that had helped too much, but he still sent us home with a prescription for one.  The dr. said that the breathing treatments really open up the bronchial tubes for some kids, but turns out it didn't do too much for Bo.  They also sent us home with another antibiotic because he thought maybe Bo still had a slight ear infection.  So I stayed home with our little guy on Tuesday and he seemed to be acting OK.  Later that night we got the test results back and it was confirmed that he had RSV and also the early stages of pneumonia.

Josh took Wednesday off and stayed home with him.  I spoke to the doctor yet again on Wednesday morning and told them that he hadn't really gotten any better, so they had me schedule another appointment for 1:30 that afternoon.  I spoke to Josh around noon and he informed me that Bo had been very lethargic and breathing pretty heavy.  I told him to call me immediately when he found something out anything from the pediatrician.  Well, at about 1:45 Josh told me to meet him at the ER because they were taking Bo there.  Bless Josh's heart because when he spoke to me he seemed very calm and kept telling me that everything was going to be ok.  Turned out that they had called an ambulance to take Bo from the pediatrician's office to the ER.  Immediately Josh was asking questions, "What is going on?" "Is this something that I need to be really concerned about?" "Is he going to be ok?".  The nurse informed him that his oxygen levels were very low and he had respiratory distress.  Josh knew that if he had told me everything that I probably would've driven like a mad woman to get there and he didn't want anything to happen to me either. I had arrived at about the exact same time as the ambulance and it was a sight I hope that I never have to son being taken out of the ambulance strapped to a stretcher being given oxygen.  Once Josh and I saw each other and what our little boy was going through we both lost it.  About 5 drs and nurses surrounded Bo and started connecting him to wires, oxygen, and taking his temperature.  His temp was 103, it had gone from 99 at home, to 100 at the pediatrician's office, to 103 in about an hour.  They gave him some Tylenol for the fever and tried a nebulizer treatment.  They kept him on oxygen and informed us that they would be keeping us overnight (at least).  Josh then went home to get some things (and get Boston out of the car at the pediatrician's office).  In the meantime, Bo took a nap on mommy while his fever went down and he got some supplemental oxygen.

We finally made it up to the 3rd floor at Mercy (Pediatrics room 362), and once again you never want to see your child in a hospital bed, it is the most heart breaking thing.  You want nothing more than to take all their pain and hurt away.  Josh or I would be both be sick a thousand times more to keep him happy and healthy.  Our poor little guy was going to have a couple rough days ahead of him.  My mom came up to help us out and stay with Boston.  The three of us spent some time with Bo on Wednesday night and my mom left around 9pm that night.  Josh and I both stayed at the hospital with our little guy.  His fever had gone down, but it was still slightly elevated, and they kept the oxygen on that night.  It was a rough night for our little Bo bo.  His appetite had gone down and was only eating a 1-3 ounces at a time (a far cry from the 6-8 he usually eats). Thursday morning the doctors came in to tell us how he had been doing and how they were going to lower the amount of oxygen they had been giving him, which was a good sign.  Bo had kept his temperature at a normal level, so we were extremely excited to hear that.  Thursday was a pretty long day for all three of us.  My mom came to visit a couple times that day and ended up going home later that day.  Josh and I had decided it would be best for one of us to stay at home that night so we both wouldn't be so tired on Friday.  After we knew we were going to be making room 362 home for another night.  We tried to make the most of it for Bo.  Even though he cannot tell us how he feels, we knew that he knew he wasn't home and something was going on.  Thursday afternoon Bo was taken off oxygen completely (and he had actually ripped it out of his nose and a sticker from his cheek, he did not like that one bit!).  They had told us that he needed to get through a good nap or a night on room air before they would send him home.  So Thursday night he still had a rough night sleeping, but if he is like his mommy he doesn't sleep well in strange places anyway.  Friday morning both Doctors came in to tell us that we would finally be going home today!  After lots and lots of questions from us, they finally gave us the go at about 1 that afternoon.  Josh and I were more than excited to finally be going home with our little boy.  This was something we never want to have to go through again!!

1st breathing treatment - Tuesday morning

resting in the ER

finally made it up to our room
Daddy always trying to get him to smile

encouragement from cousin, owen!

He took some good naps on mommy

going home!  yay!

And after Bo got home we could tell he was getting back to his old self.