growing rhamy family

growing rhamy family
love my little family


PBR 2013

It's that time of year again!  My favorite event of the entire year is when PBR (Professional Bull Riding) comes to Des Moines.  It's been a family tradition that we go every year and sit in the same seats!  This will be Bo's 3rd year going (if you include the year I was pregnant with him).  Unfortunately, Nick was unable to go this year because he volunteered to chaperone the VHS after prom.  Luckily my cousin and her husband were able to go in his place.  They used to go to the PBR down in Texas when they lived there, so they were excited to go again. 

After we ate dinner we headed down to the show.  Josh and I were a little nervous because Bo was "on the go" this year.  Last year he couldn't crawl yet, so we were able to keep him contained but we were so happy with how our little boy was!  He was up with Papa and Gramma most of the time and was such a good boy!  I think he really enjoyed watching the bulls and seeing the horse in the arena too!  His bedtime is usually around 8pm and that is what time the show started so he was up pretty late compared to normal.  We brought his jammies along so we could get him changed before we left the arena because we knew he would zonk out right when we got in the car (which he did). 

It was another successful year at the PBR and I can't believe next year we will have two little ones to bring!!  Unfortunately right when we got home Josh had to go into work which ended up being an almost 36 hour stand off.  It was officially over at 2am Monday morning.  We are so thankful for Josh and everything he does.  Some don't realize the sacrifices the he makes by spending time away from family and sleepless nights at work.  We are so proud of you and appreciate you! 

my love

Dessa and Clint

I don't know who is having more fun Bo or Gramma and Papa??

my family

being such a good boy!

my boys

sharing popcorn with mama


Masters Weekend/Turkey Season

The weekend of April 13th the family packed up and headed down to Villisca for the rest of the weekend.  Josh had plans to go turkey hunting with my brother so he was going to stay down there until Wednesday.  We had a very busy weekend!  Saturday my mom and I did some shopping for window blinds for their house while the guys stayed home and watched the Masters that afternoon at Nick's house.  After Bo woke up from a nap he went outside and helped Uncle Nick and Papa with chores.  He got to pet the horses and feed the cattle. 

The next day was final day of the Masters.  Last year Bo and Josh had matching polos to wear, so it seems fitting to get Bo a new one this year.  (Baby Girl Rhamy can wear them right?? :)).  Josh and Nick also went to Omaha that morning and Josh got a new shotgun for Turkey season, it was camo of course.  It was nice weekend with family.  Bo and I headed home around 8pm that night.  He slept the whole way home and got right to sleep once we made it there.  The next few days weren't the same without Josh, but we know he had a great time hunting with Nick and he cannot wait to take Bo when he is old enough.

ready for turkey season!
playing outside at gramma and papa's

he wasn't too happy that the masters went into sudden death

dad showing Bo his new gun

Josh's turkey!

Easter Weekend

I'm a little behind on this post from Easter, but we had a great 2nd Easter with our little cutie.  Unfortunately, he was a little under the weather starting Wednesday night with the flu.  He stayed home with Dad on Thursday and Mom on Friday.  Saturday morning we thought we had turned the corner, but he was still sick.  Gramma and Papa came up to visit for Easter too!  Thankfully once Easter morning came he was feeling better.  He did end up giving it to Dad though.  Josh always says how he was never sick until Bo got here and its about right.  He is usually about 24 hours behind Bo, so he eventually went back to work on Tuesday.

The Easter Bunny was very good to Bo.  Bo is obsessed with Dr. Seuss books, so he got 2 new books, 2 Dr. Seuss movies, one of my favorite books Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, a newer edition of Brown Bear, some snacks, a remote control car, and a giant Spongebob color book with some crayons (his other obsession). After Dad and Papa hid eggs around the sunroom, Bo went around and found each one.  Each egg had either a fruit snack or an animal cracker in it!  I was surprised that he didn't lose interest and waited until they were all gone.  He did such a good job finding all the eggs and it was fun to watch him get so excited each time.  We were hoping for some warmer weather to hide them outside, but the weather was not cooperating this year.  Hopefully next year we will have nice weather again!


28 weeks

How far along? 28 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 17 lbs gained
Maternity clothes? Yes and loving them!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleep has begun to get a little spotty the past couple weeks.  I am not sleeping through the night like I had been.  I sleep much lighter now.  Any little thing wakes me up.  It seems that I am most comfortable on my back, even though I try not to sleep in that position.

Best moment this week: Baby girl Rhamy is doing great!  Heard her heartbeat this week at our check up and it is still going strong!  Also had the gestational diabetes test and I passed with flying colors, but I did find out that my iron level is low, so I have to start taking supplements for that.
Miss Anything?  I miss being comfortable sitting on the couch.  I noticed my tail bone had been hurting (almost as if I fell and bruised it, but turns out it is from the extra release of hormones and shifting of my bones).  The doctor said it will probably get worse before it gets better and will more than likely be here to stay until after her arrival.
Movement: There is a ton of movement and I can tell she is getting stronger.  You can feel her limbs now!
Food cravings: Dr. Pepper.  I never drink Dr. Pepper (especially fully leaded), but I have probably had 2 or 3 small cans in the past couple weeks!
Anything making you queasy or sick: The only thing that really does is the smell of Josh's chew, but that has been pretty consistent throughout the pregnancy.
Have you started to show yet: Oh yes!  I'm rocking my bump proudly...

Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? There is just a little portion of my belly button still in, but the rest has popped.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Spending time with my hubby and son.  I have to enjoy each second that I get to spend with both of them because before long the baby girl will get here and time will have to be divided.  We also got family/maternity pics on Saturday so I am anxious to see them!

I have to sneak in a picture of my two favorite boys.  Love them!