growing rhamy family

growing rhamy family
love my little family


V's 2 months!




12.3 lbs - 68%
22.4 in long - 38%
15.4 in head circumference - 70%

Doctor said she was perfect:).

Vallery was 2 months old on the 14th.  Like I have said before, it seems as though we have known her forever.  She is such a relaxed baby.  Rarely ever cries and is as happy as can be most of the time.  She loves riding in the stroller or in the car.  Isn't picky where she takes naps (selfishly I wish it were always with me..).  While I was home there was only one time that she actually cried and it lasted about 30 minutes (darn gas!).  She only poops about once a week, I think it is mostly because she is a breast fed baby. 

Her eyes have already started to change from blue to light brown.  I think she will have hazel eyes like her mommy and daddy.  I'm also convinced that she will have a superhero immune system.  Between me getting shingles and Bo having strep, she came out with nothing!  Vallery's hair is still growing like crazy and is as wild as ever!  It is especially wild after baths (which she loves).  Bo wasn't a huge fan of bath time, mostly because he didn't like being cold, but she seems to enjoy it.  We bathe her once every 2 days. 

She is wearing size 2 diapers and is in 3 month clothes.  I have had to put away some 3 month clothes and all of her newborn clothes.  I cannot believe how time flies!!  She seems too little to be growing out of clothes already!  Vallery is still eating every 3 - 3.5 hours during the day.  She eats around 730, 1030, 230-3, 6-630, and 930.  Her bedtime is the same time as our bedtime (around 10pm).  She is still getting swaddled at night.  I think that's her que that its bedtime.  Still sleeping through the night without a peep! I know one morning Josh and her slept in until 9am.

Baby V's full of smiles!!

More tummy time...

Can't forget one with my boys :).


Hawkeye State

The Hawks pulled out the victory this Saturday over the!  Prior to the kids being here Josh and I probably would've been tailgating in Ames, but since their arrival our plans for the Cy-Hawk game have definitely changed.  This year we went to Milo for Josh's Aunt Karla's 60th birthday party.  And let me tell you, we had one heck of a time!  I wouldn't trade watching all the kiddos running around and playing together for tailgating in a million years.  It was so much fun to have all the cousins get together because there are so many around the same age! 

Justin, Syd, and Owen came up a little early that afternoon and followed us down to Nate and Carly's house for the party.  Not only did Bo get to play with Owen, but he also got to play with Craigan, Nate and Carly's daughter; Jase, Kory and Paula's son; and the rest of Kory and Paula's girls.  Craigan, Bo, Owen, and Jase are all within a few months of eachother so it was very enjoyable to watch them all run around. 

Bo loved the pond, he would constantly point and say "frog in there".  Nate and Carly also have a huge Morton building that the kids played in.  By the end of the night Bo was "running" in circles at a walking pace, occassionally sitting on the concrete, and evenually it would lay down on the concrete because he was so tired.  To say the least I think he had fun. 


Baby V got lots of snuggles in lots of the ladies including; Aunt Karla, Aunt Karen, Carly, Aunt Sydney, and Kerri.  Kelby even got to hold her and V was all smiles the whole time!
Carly with Vallery

Kerri and V

With her Great Aunts Karla and Karen

Miss Kelby (our flower girl) and Vallery



Last weeks with the littles.

The last few weeks of matleave flew by!!  We got used to our little routine and I was so happy to spend virtually every waking moment with my mini me.  Bo continued to go to daycare 2 1/2 days a week (Monday and Friday mornings and all day Wednesdays) when it allowed, which gave him time to burn extra energy with some friends and also gave mommy and V more snuggle time.  I'm pretty lucky to have a couple easy going kids.  Vallery has been such a blessing to our family and it seems as though we have known her forever.  Bo is so thrilled to have a baby sister that he can look after forever.  Lots of brother/sissy love...


Wedding Weekend

The last weekend in August the whole family traveled back home for a wedding.  B & V got to spend even more time with family, and mom and dad even got a night out!  There was more feeding the goldfish and petting the horse.  Bo also got to play in the pool and go down the slide while V did some more relaxing in the shade.


Congratulations to Aaron and Rachelle Focht!  We had such a great time at the wedding and reception (maybe a little too much fun ;)).

my family...

lots of playdates...

While I was off work Bo got to have a playdate with his best friend, Jack, almost every week!  We love going to his house playing in his pool and going down the slide.  Some days it was a little hot so we had to go to the mall play area, but it was something we looked forward to each Thursday!  One day it was an impromptu swim in the pool so Bo ended up naked.  I couldn't resist getting a picture.



Jack also celebrated his 2nd birthday on September 8th with a John Deere themed party. They had a small bounce house which kept Bo occupied for the majority of the afternoon. Jack is also going to have a little brother in a month or two, so Sara and I will have even more fun at our future playdates! :)

Trip home with 2 little ones.

After my lovely spout of Shingles (yes, shingles.) the middle of August I decided I should probably make a trip back home with the kiddos since I have some time off.  Traveling with them is such a breeze!  Even though Bo only slept 20 minutes the ride down (I left at 1230, naptime, but turns out he would rather look out the window...), the only regret I have was not have a sippy cup filled with water for him, because he asked for water at least 50 times.  Vallery slept the entire way (have I mentioned she is a good baby? :)). 

After we got down there mid afternoon on Sunday, August 25th, Bo had a great time in the sprinkler while Vallery relaxed in the shade.  Bo also LOVED my parents little goldfish pond that they have on their deck. He woke up every morning asking to go see the fishies.  His favorite part was feeding them.  I'm pretty sure they didn't need to eat the rest of the week after his visit.  And if Papa wasn't up yet he would say "Papa up, outside".  Uncle Nick also let Bo actually play in the the goldfish pond...  I wasn't expecting that, but he had a good time. 

The kids slept awesome while they were down there.  I slept in bed with Bo, while Vallery slept in her bassinet.  V didn't make a peep all night, but I would get the occasional hand in the face from Bo (he would check to make sure I was still there).  I never get to sleep with him so it is always a nice little treat. :)  We would wake up around 7 or 730 and start our day. 

On Monday, Bo went to see Uncle Justin, Aunt Sydney and Owen.  He had been asking him about them since they came up to visit during the fair so he was soo excited!

Bo also got to get up and feed the cattle every morning with my dad.  He even got his own little bucket!

Uncle Nick came to visit over lunch hour each day and also gave Bo another haircut.  Vallery got lots of snuggles from both Gramma and Papa.  And some other visitors came to see them on Monday night.

sitting in his bench at Uncle Nick's house

It was a great trip back home and the kids couldn't have made the trip alone better.  We missed Daddy, but know that he was working hard while we were gone! 
Back to the Shingles....I swear I get the weirdest shi*t after I have babies.  With Bo I was put in the hospital with Rubella and I thought I was in the clear with V, but this decided to pop up about a month after I had her.  I didn't think that having a baby with a toddler, my husbands work schedule bieng completely turned upside down, and sleeping alone by myself with children was that stressful??  Turns out, it had some affect on me.  But I will say that I would much rather go through a natural delivery again then be put through the misery of Shingles...ouch!