I have not been up to par lately on my blog posts, but between travels back home, weekend trips to the park, and my new busy work schedule I have been slacking. A small update on both kids.
Vallery: She is walking all over the place and it is too funny to watch. She still has thighs for days so she looks slighly bow legged and waddles a bit. She is almost to the point where I would call it an attempt at a run. She still eats so well. She is not a fan of avacodos or tomatoes at this point, but seems to enjoy everything else. She can say Bo, Dada, Mama (or Ma'ma, they sound similar:)), Papa, refers to Boston as (Bo-bo, pronounced Ba Ba), bye, and more. She loves giving kisses and getting them. She likes to pick on her brother and really nothing bothers her. If Bo tells her no, she just goes right for it. Vallery is also a shoe and accessories girl (uh-oh). She loves to have her sunglasses with her at all times and puts them around her neck while doing everything. She constantly wants her shoes on and seems to gravitate toward the sparkly ones. She is also starting to play with her hair a lot more, which clearly is still long as ever. :) She is still our little sweetie pie and laughs at everything her brother does.
Bo: He can speak so well and clear. It amazes me how well he picks up on everything. She says complete sentences, can count to 20, loves to sing songs, and play with his farm animals. His new obsession is Toy Story. He has had the Buzz Lightyear since his 2nd birthday and we eventually got him a Woody in a Spring, but the most recent purchases have been a Dinosaur and Mr. Potato Head. I did learn at school he plays with his Mr. Potato Head all the time. Dinner time is somewhat of a challenge depending on the night, however, he has taken an interest in cooking and loves to sit on the counter and help. He could also eat plain butter and salt all the time (totally unhealthy, but I did the same thing as a child). Bo is still a complete outside boy and could stay there forever. He still gives the best hugs and kisses. He is also becoming Mr. Independent and wants to everything himself; getting out of the car, getting into his car seat, climbing onto the counter. And the boy loves to climb, he climbs every fence he can find and loves the monkey bars and ladders are the park.

We also traveled back home a time or two, I had a bachelorette party and Bo got in some swim and buttercup time.