Less than 5 weeks to go before the due date! We had a few busy weekends in October, so it was nice to have some down time this past weekend. I had my sister-in-law's baby shower on the 15th, who is due the day before me, and then a good friend of mine; Kylie, who is due the first part of January, also had a baby shower on the 22nd in Omaha so it has been babies, babies, and more babies for me! :) I was glad to see Justin and Sydney's new house and check out the nursery, of which Sydney painted herself!! They have a beautiful home and the nursery couldn't be more perfect. I am so excited that our little boy gets to have a cousin of the same sex and age to grow up with. I'm sure there will be plenty of mischief for them to cause, but I think it comes with the territory of having boys!
almost fits together perfect! :) |
every little boy needs a good pair of cowboy boots! :)
Both showers went very well and I was very excited to spend this special time with both of them. Kylie also got engaged that day, so it was a very memorable day for her. She had a Husker Themed shower, which couldn't have fit her better! I just wish she lived closer so I could see her more often!! Kylie is also having a boy so BabyR already has so many friends! :) I was thankful to have Shea to ride to Omaha with because it might've been a pretty long ride alone!
She looks so good! :)
Kylie and Shea
Love these girls!
Josh and I have definitely started the "nesting" phase. We have almost everything in the nursery ready to go. We still need to get a changing mat, glider, and a few other small things before the nursery is complete. We want to hang a photo of Josh and I from the maternity pics we got taken as well so he will always have us watching over him! Last weekend we went to Target and got the rest of what we need off our registry with the giftcards we had received. We are so thankful for the many gifts and cards we have received from friends and family. It has truly meant so much to the two of us. There are so many expenses that comes with your first child! Thankfully, we should be set for our next and will only have to get a few new things! :) The big things we got were our stroller and car seat. We knew that those were both a must before he gets here because we couldn't leave the hospital without the car seat! :) Right when we got home Josh assembled both car seat and stroller and read the instruction manuals cover to cover to ensure he knew everything there was to know about both. He tested out the car seat in my car to make sure everything was working properly. I am so lucky to have a husband that is willing to do all that he does and makes sure that we are ALWAYS taken care of.
So proud! |
We had to test it out to see if Boston approved! |
getting everything just right... |
We have all the clothes ready to go in the dresser. I have realized how anal I am about where everything is placed in the drawers. I want everything to be just perfect. I will eventually have to redo everything because I still have to wash all his clothes. That is on my list of things to do next weekend.
This week we are going to go visit another daycare (in home). Last week we went on our first visit (to a center) and really didn't know what to expect because it was a first for the both of us and we didn't really have anything to compare it to. It will be a relief once we know what daycare we will be using. I am already not looking forward to the first time that I have to take him there:(. Six weeks just doesn't seem like long enough to spend with him! Thankfully, Josh will be taking some time off after I go back as well, so we won't need daycare until the end of February or so...
Now for the updated belly pics!
34 weeks |
35 weeks |
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