Week 37 has been a busy one for Josh and I. We went to the doctor last Friday and found out that he is head down (she actually felt the head she said, crazy!) and that I was dialated at a 1 or 2. This was good news, however, I could be dialated for weeks!! I had gained another pound that week, so still keeping steady!
My mom came to town that day as well and we all went to a wedding in Newton for a family member, Kerri. Josh and I were the guest book attendents, and we were very excited to be a part of her day. It was nice catching up with family. One of Josh's cousins just had a little girl while another one is pregnant with her fifth child! So there was plenty of baby talk, which was fine by me! We left Newton close to 11:30, and that is probably the latest I had been up in a long time!
guest book attendents! |
at the reception! |
Josh and I with the Bride, Kerri |

That next morning Josh and I had our FastTrack Birthing Class from 9 am - 3 pm. This was one class we really wanted to make sure to get in before the big day. It was different from what I had expected, it was more of a lecture type of class. One thing that did ease my mind a bit was just knowing a little more about what to expect during the labor and delivery process. I know that it is something that is different for everyone and you really can't "plan" anything, but they did let you know all the possibilities. I knew going into that class that I was going to do everything I possibly could to not get the epidural and after the class it just reassured my feeling. I want to be to be able to experience everything I possibly can with the labor and delivery. A lot of people I have spoke about it with it seems like a first option, which to each their own, but I want to make it a last resort. My mom has expressed how much she enjoyed the labor and delivery and she was able to go through it all natural, so it can be done! I also didn't realize that it was left in your back the whole time, which kind of made me uneasy about the whole thing. Josh and I have talked about it and have agreed that we not going to go into this process already deciding one way or another. If it comes the time where we think the epidural is the best option for us then that is what we are going to do, but I want to do everything to not get the epidural. I know that Josh is going to be so supportive and I cannot wait for the day to come. I am very lucky to have such an amazing man.
After our class, we went back home to get ready for wedding #2 for the weekend. Our friends Greg and Amanda got married that day and unfortunately we missed the wedding because of class but we were able to be there for the start of the reception. Amanda and Greg are both fun people who truly deserve one another. It was a beautiful reception downtown Des Moines and she was a stunning bride. There were also a couple of the bridesmaids that were pregnant as well, so there is baby fever everywhere!
Cynthia is due beginning of Feb.! |
One of my most favorite people, Michelle! What is out of place here? :) |
Beautiful bride Amanda and the MOH! |
her dress was so beautiful... |
Love these girls! |
Love him so much! |
This week we got most of the final things for the baby ordered, so we are almost done with the nursery completely! We ordered our extra car seat base and a mobile for the crib (this was a must for Josh:)). This week I have finally understood what people talk about when it comes to lack of sleep and ready for the pregnancy to be over. These final weeks really take a toll on your body! I think I have mastered the woddle and the sleepless nights have begun! My right foot is definitely swelled, the left one is slightly, but not nearly as bad as the right.
Wednesday was my 27th birthday, which I got the day off so Josh took the day off as well so we could spend it together. He really went all out for my birthday present and got me diamond stud earrings. I couldn't believe it and of course it brought tears to my eyes. I actually opened them the night before my birthday because he could not wait to give them to me:). I am so appreciative of his thoughtfulness and he definitely did not need to get me something that nice. I loved the earrings and everything they stood for, so THANKS AGAIN, HONEY! I LOVE THEM!
That afternoon we made our way out to Homemakers to look at rockers for the nursery and found one that would work perfectly. It was small enough to fit in the room and we will be able to put it somewhere else in the house when we no longer need it in the baby's room. That was the only thing we had planned on getting when we got there, but we ended up getting a new kitchen table and chairs as well (which made me super excited, because we had been using a hand me down from one of Josh's co-workers. They served their purpose but were getting a little worn out.). We wanted to get something that we could fit more people around with our growing family. I love it! It has two leaves that can be put it to make it bigger along with four chairs. We also ordered a bench for one side that has storage in it as well. We can now have 7-8 people sitting at the table comfortably:). We thought that we might have Christmas at our house this year with the baby only being a few weeks old by that time. It would be the first time that it is not at my parents house, but we are going to make the final decision over Thanksgiving.
Josh had made reservations at Splash downtown that night, it is one of our favorite places to eat but only go there for special occasions due to the prices not being very budget friendly:). They have such great food though! Josh enjoyed some wine with his lobster and I had Alaskan king crab. It was so good as usual and we both finished up with some dessert. I have to say that I had a pretty darn good birthday and most of all I was happy to spend it with Josh.
We have our 38 week appointment today so we will be getting another update on the baby's progress so hopefully we will have more good news coming!
37 weeks! It's really getting out there! |
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