It's amazing how much love and joy I am filled with since the birth of Baby Bo. My life has so much more fulfillment and meaning, and words cannot express what I feel for that little boy. Bo has a tight grip on his Mommy's heart, there's no denying that!
Almost every night after I make dinner and Josh and I are just sitting down to eat, it seems like our little boy needs some kind of attention. Even if he is scheduled to eat a certain time, and I make dinner prior, it never fails that he gets hungry a little bit sooner that night. So Josh or I will feed him while the other one eats or do some entertaining, but I tell you something -
I have never enjoyed eating a cold supper as much as I do now. He makes all the cold dinners so enjoyable, because no matter what the situation I would rather be spending that time with my family. The things that you thought were important before don't seem as important as they used to and when it may have been difficult to say "no" to a friend asking you to do something, it seems as if that "no" just slides right out with no hesitation. Being the first person to leave the party is a decision that is a no-brainer. So needless to say, Bo is the most important thing to us and each day that we spend with him is gift. It seems like there's not one night is the same and he is constantly learning new things, so you don't want to be gone to miss anything!
kissy face |
love him! |
I get so sleepy before bedtime when Dad is feeding me... |
happy in the morning! |
reading with Dad |
flying baby - one of Josh and Bo's favorite things |
Bo can play with his toys so well now |
Hi everyone! |
playing with daddy |
before school |
On March 16th it was Bo's 4 Month check up, and I decided that I could handle the appointment and witnessing my baby gets shots would be easier since he is "older" now. Boy was I wrong, I think my heart broke a little watching the needles go in and out of his little legs. And watching the pain on his face was something that I hope I never have to experience again, even though I know that it is inevitable that will happen again eventually, but it was so tough to watch.
4 Month Stats
15lbs 9 oz (50th percentile)
head - tbd
height - tbd
For St. Patrick's Day Josh, Bo and I got dressed up in green and headed down to the parade downtown as a family. Bo definitely enjoyed being outside. I think he enjoys the breeze in his face the most:).
before the parade |
it's bright out here! |
my family |
My mom and dad also came up for a quick visit to spend some time with Bo on Saturday evening and left Sunday around noon. We grilled steaks and hung out at our house.
hanging out with Papa! |
playtime! |
with Gma! |
Sunday was also the first day that Bo tried Rice Cereal. After Josh put together his high chair we all gathered to watch him eat from a spoon for the first time. He did pretty good for the first time, but it might be a little bit easier to put it in his bottle for the first week or so. I was glad that my parents were there to see that milestone and I know they enjoyed watching him as well.
here we go! |
yum! |
Bo got a new toy this weekend as well. I know my brother loved this as a baby and I couldn't wait for Bo to be old enough to try it out! Here comes the Johnny Jump Up!!