A brief update on Bo's eating habits...
Bo usually eats about every 4 hours unless he is napping then we let him sleep. His normal eating schedule is around 7 am (wake up time), and then 11:30 and 3:30 at daycare, and he typically eats dinner around 7:30 in the evenings. Bo then falls asleep around 9pm and we will wake him up at about 11 to eat again and he sleeps until the next morning! Bo is still eating BreastMilk (and hopefully will be for another couple months with all that we have stored up!) and he will take any bottle you give him. Bo is definitely not a picky eater! He eats about 5-7.5 oz each time. Every once in a great while he will eat more, 8-10 oz.
But since his 4 month check we have started rice cereal. The first time I fed him I got it a little soupy so it didn't work the best, but he still ate really well! So the past couple days we were putting it in his bottle and he has been eating that great, but last night I made the rice cereal thicker and he had 2 1/2 tbsp of rice cereal plus a total of 8 oz of BM (we mix some of the milk in with the cereal). He went to sleep at 9pm and slept until about 8:30 this morning! Bo has been a good sleeper for a while, but I think with the cereal he is going to do pretty darn good:).
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