Bo's first haircut was definitely long overdue! Josh had been fighting me to schedule an appointment for a few months and I finally broke down and made an appointment for June 30th. Feelings were mixed in the Rhamy household about this appointment. Josh was extremely excited, but I, on the other hand, broke down into tears. I'm sure some of you are reading this and wondering why the heck I would be crying over a haircut, but it's something girls probably understand more; especially mothers. When I would tell my mommy friends that we cut Bo's hair the first question would be, "How did Bo do?" and the second question was, "How did
you do?". It made me feel really good when I was asked that question because then I got reassurance that I wasn't 'crazy' or 'over-emotional'. I get that feeling about myself more and more often now that I am a mom, because obviously this is my first time and I tend to question my feelings about different milestones with Bo. Not only with his haircut, but I question myself constantly...Am I 'babying' him too much?, should he have more tummy time?, Is he getting enough to eat?, or if he is getting enough to eat is he getting enough of each kind of food? There are so many questions that come with being a mommy, but I have found that each is justified and I am not alone.
But after much suspense waiting for the moment to come for him to go to the chair I was pleasantly surprised with how grown up my little baby looked. Seeing him in the little chair with a cape wrapped around I got a huge feeling of pride. I thought to myself, "wow, he is really growing" (whether I like it or not). It sounds ridiculous because he is only 7 months old, but there isn't a better way to describe it.
During the haircut, he sat so patiently and would every once in awhile look behind him to see what was going on, or check out his reflection in the mirror (which he loves to do at home). He was such a little trooper!! We then got a family photo together along with a certificate that has a lock of his hair with it.
bath time before the hair cut |
Before |
he's so excited! |
how do I look guys? |
who's back there? |
dang, i look good! |
check it out! |
proud daddy |
proud mommy |
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