growing rhamy family

growing rhamy family
love my little family


sick girl

Vallery got sick for the very first time when she about 4 1/2 months old.  She had something viral and her fever would not go down.  So she went to the doctor for the first time.  She also had her first dose of Tylenol.  She had a fever for about 4 days.  The doctor said it was something viral and all she needed was TLC, tylenol, and a cool cloth.  Poor girl.

A week or so following that she had started developing a cough, but it didn't sound too bad yet.  And plus, with daycare it is pretty typical for the kids to have a cough constantly during winter.  But after one morning she woke up with goopy eyes and they were matted shut we thought that now was the time for her to go the doctor.  Sure enough, our baby had pink eye and an upper respiratory infection.  So it was eye drops 3 times a day and amoxicillin 2 times a day.

after she got back from the doctor

The next morning both kiddos seemed to be doing good!!

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