growing rhamy family

growing rhamy family
love my little family


Bo is 2.5...holy smokes!

My sweet baby boy was officially 2 1/2 on the 21st of May.  Where has time gone?  He can now say full sentences, knows most of the letters (can point them out in his puzzle and books and put them together), sing his abcs, count to 12, count to 10 in spanish, knows colors and shapes.  He continues to amaze me.  He uses his manners (most of the time).  Sometimes he can be slightly demanding:).  He loves to dance, play outside.  He would be outside all day if he could.  Bo still loves the water and asks to swim constantly.

And he is also fast as lightning.  If he could run all day long outside in the grass, he would.  He is right handed and can throw a ball like you have never seen.  He wears size 7-7.5 shoes, 3T clothes (some 2T).  He is still not potty trained and sleeps with a binky (whoopsies!).  But to be honest, that is mostly my fault.  I'm in no hurry to do either, but if you ask Josh he would tell you different.:)  He was done with the binky for about 2 weeks in October, but that was when I was at home by myself during the night and gave it to him one time when he woke, no mommy (as Bo would say...). 

He can do a pretty darn good booty shake and gives THE BEST hugs and kisses.  And he will pretty much kiss anyone if you ask him to.  He sleeps like a champ and likes his sleep.  I usually have to wake him up on the weekdays to go to school and he continues to tell me that he wants to lay down and take a nap.  If he is really tired he will skip lunch and go straight for a nap.  Breakfast is his favorite meal.  He would eat bananas and cereal bars all day long if he could (throw in a grape or two every once in a while.)

He still loves spaghetti and I have also got him to like edamame.  He will choose salad over steak any day of the week. Movies are one of his favorite things to do along with playing with pillows, playing with his alphabet puzzle ("letters" as he calls it), and he is also start to use his imagination so much more.  There is a pretend tiger that lives in Josh and I's bed under the pillows.  He will put his hand under the pillow pretend that he was bitten by the tiger and the tiger is instantly put in timeout by Bo.  He loves to put everything in timeout.  I believe the sun has been in timeout a few times as well.  He gets very angry at the sun when its in his eyes....pretty funny. 

He still does everything Daddy does and loves hanging out with Gramma, Papa, and Uncle Nick.  He is occassionally a mommy's boy and I am totally ok with it.  We love our spitfire of a son.  He keeps us on our toes and teaches us something new everyday.  We love you Bo!  (To the moon and back!)

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