growing rhamy family

growing rhamy family
love my little family


Baby Rhamy #2!!

***This post was actually written on November 30, 2012***

Josh and I are so excited to announce that we are going to be parents to baby #2!  We found out on November 1st that we were excpecting and I have been keeping this secret for some time now!  It has been super hard considering I have had some girlies that would like to drink wine with me and I have had to turn it down so many times (sorry Michelle!), but know that I have wanted to and there has been a good reason! :)

So after finding out on November 1st that we were expecting, we found out my expected due date was June 29, 2013 and I was about 6 weeks along.  Josh actually made me take the test because he just KNEW that I was pregnant.  I wasn't so convinced because with Bo I knew right away and with this one the signs weren't so apparent to me, except for my occassional moodiness (right, Josh - hehe).  So a week or so went by (after taking yet another test), I finally scheduled my first doctor appt, but wasn't in much of a rush because I didn't think they were see me until I was 10 weeks (like with Bo), but much to my surprise they wanted to see me between 7-9 weeks for an ultrasound!  So my first ultrasound was scheduled for November 19th!  We were so excited that we were going to see our baby so soon!

November 19th rolled around and that was when Bo had his allergic reaction and Josh was home with him that day, so unfortunately he was unable to go. (He didn't miss a single dr. appt with Bo, so he was really bummed but we were also so grateful that he could be with Bo when he didn't feel well.) After sitting in the waiting room, which felt like an eternity because I was so excited, my name was called back for my ultrasound.  This was supposed to be my 8 week day 2 appt.  I kept looking at the screen thinking I would see what we saw the first time with Bo's first ultrasound but nothing was appearing on the screen.  The sonographer then asked "why did you think you were 8 weeks?", I got very very nervous and thought to myself, oh my gosh I'm not pregnant!!  But I then said "that is what it calculated to be with my LMP and that is also what you guys told me.  I am pregnant right??"  She finally responded with a yes, but I don't think you are as far along as we thought.  I then sighed the biggest sigh of relief of my life!  She said she could only see the gestational sack during the normal ultrasound, so she then did an internal one and was able to get some measurements of Baby R.  She then told me that I am measuring to be 6 weeks and 4 days.  The picture of very unclear just because we are in the early stages.  That put my due date at July 11, 2013 (I am supposed to be in Jenna's wedding on the 13th so I am hoping that Baby R decides to make his/her debut early again!:)).

Needless to say, Josh and I are very excited for our addition and we are so excited for Bo to be an older brother.  We know he is going to be a great big brother!!

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