***This post was written on December 4, 2012***
I can't even tell you how different my pregnancy with this baby has been compared to the first time. I had it soo easy with Bo! The only thing I noticed with Bo was that I was extremely tired the first trimester, tender boobs, and slight nausea. Well, this baby has thrown me for a loop! Anyone that knows me knows that I have a pretty big appetite and not much gets between me and my food! But there have been days where I have force myself to eat and usually about 30 minutes after I eat I feel terrible. Along with feeling tired, the nausea has been the worst! I have only gotten sick once, but I can tell you right now it will be awhile before I eat another banana!
And I have already had cravings with this one. The only type of craving I had with Bo was sweets. I had never been a sweets person, but when I was pregnant I defintely ate more desserts that normal:). Thankfully that went away! But I have already had some strange cravings, one night I ate peas and oreos for dinner while another night the only thing I wanted to eat was plain spaghetti noodles with butter and parmesan cheese (which I have never eaten in my life!). So to say the least this pregnancy is slightly different than the first!
I had actually lost a few pounds the 1st month, but I haven't checked recently because I have somewhat got my appetite back, still nauseous but there has been a slight improvement the past week. More updates to come! I think I will start taking belly pics this week, since I am getting closer to 9 weeks. I still think I am further along, but we will see at our next appt on December 20th! Because if my calculations are correct...it would mean I found out I was pregnant prior to 4 weeks, so we will see!!
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