growing rhamy family

growing rhamy family
love my little family


Oh Charley!

During the past month or so I have had a little visitor during the night...that's right, the Charley Horse!  Most of these occurances haven't been too painful and I have been able to stop them, for the most part, before they really start.  The only place that I have been getting these is in my right calf. 

Before pregnancy I would get the occasional calf cramp in my right leg and definitely got them in high school during track season.  I thought at first it was because I had stopped my running routine, which meant that I hadn't been stretching like I used to.  But after talking with the dr., some friends, and my mom I found that this is pretty normal for some pregnant women.  My mom said that she got them pretty bad during her pregnancy with my brother, but not with me, so it might just be if you're having a boy thing!

Last night was by far the worst one that I have had thus far.  It happened at about 630 this morning, and this one I could not stop from happening.  It was so bad that I woke Josh up by my moaning from being in pain!  He immediately jumped out of bed and grabbed by foot to flex my calf.  I swore he had to of used some kind of superhuman strength to get my foot pushed back because it was so painful!  He got the cramp stopped, thank goodness!  I felt bad for waking him, but I was also a little relieved because I couldn't get it stopped myself:).  So needless to say, my calf is pretty sore this morning!!

Anywho, we only have 45 more days to go!  I can't believe it!  He will be here before we know it.  Next month we have our Breastfeeding Essentials, Baby Basics, and our FastTrack Birthing Classes so lots to learn before he arrives!  We finally got all the decals put up in the nursery (and by we I meant Josh).  It turned out great and we know that the baby will love it just as much as we do!

before the birds and squirrels...

with the final touches!

The baby will have some friends watching over him all the time:)

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