growing rhamy family

growing rhamy family
love my little family


what Bo has been up to...

warning!  this post has picture overload of my adorable son... 

Our little guy is growing by the day and turning into such a big boy.  His most favorite thing in the world to do is to read books.  He has certain books he likes mommy to read and certain ones for daddy.  I hope this trend keeps up because he may be one smart cookie!  He tries repeating everything you say and it is the cutest thing.  He can say ball, dog, spongebob (sort of), mama, dada, papa, thank you, truck, baby (whoohoo) and some others.  We are working all the time on Gramma, Nick and Justin.  He attempts everything that you tell him to say, so that is all we can ask:). 

He is also getting very good with animal sounds thanks to the book Brown Bear.  He knows duck, bird, sheep, horse, brown bear, dog, and cat.  He can also answer yes or no to questions that you ask him.  Which is nice when he gets grouchy because then you know if he is getting hungry or tired.  When you ask if he is hungry and he shakes his head yes, we tell him to go get his chair he will run right over and start pushing his high chair over to his spot.  If you ask him if he is ready to go night night he will run back to his room and ask to be put into his crib.  Which that is going to be so difficult when we get his big boy room ready, however, I know he is going to love his new bed and all the room he has.  He also knows when he has a dirty diaper and knows where he has to go to get changed.  He is learning quickly what can and cannot be put into the trash.  We are working on getting rid of the binky, and if he has it and you ask him to give it to you he will 99% of the time. 

He also gives you hugs and kisses on demand which I love!  He gives my belly kisses and I try to tell him that sissy is in there.  Even though I know he has no idea what's going on and his world his going to be turned upside down upon her arrival.  It will definitely be an adjustment, but he will be a great big brother.

He is slowly not wanting to wake up in the mornings, which is actually pretty cute:).  For instance, when he wakes up he usually just lays in his bed for quite a while until someone goes in to get him.  Sometimes you can hear him start talking (usually saying "mama, mama").  He will sit up in bed, but the instant you turn the light on he buries his head in the pillow.  And then when you go to pick him up he will lay back down.  I think it takes him awhile to wake up like someone else in the family (not naming names, but like ____ like son:))

One last obsession is the toothbrush!  He loves the electric toothbrush.  Everytime Josh and I are brushing our teeth he insists that he has too as well. 

new fav - smoothie

he LOVES spongebob

before haircut

after haircut

no we did not teach him this....


another fav, sghetti

thanking gramma for spending the day with me!

fun with daddy

best friends

after "school" (spongebob and snacks)

reading with uncle pals.
kissy face - adorbs!

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