growing rhamy family

growing rhamy family
love my little family


V's 9 months!


such a doll...

We officially hit our first bump in the road for our baby girl this month with her getting pneumonia, but along with that came so many good things!  She officially began crawling on all fours on March 29th! She loves to pull herself up on everything!!  She is talking so much more and babbles all the time.  She tried her first table food as well (mac n cheese).

She loves to crawl into the kitchen to see mommy and daddy.  V loves to crawl to brother Bo and Boston.  She still loves to pull on Boston's ear.  Her new favorite thing is to reach her hand out for you.  The entire time we were in and out of the doctor's office she would reach for the nurses and doctors.  It doesn't necessarily mean that she wants you, but she just wants to be noticed.  She says Mama and Dada.  We have tried to get her to say Bo, but it comes out more like Ba.  She is a babbler!!  Still only has two teeth (bottom middle), but I can tell there are more coming in!

Vallery is wearing 12 month clothes.  Little chucker loves to eat!  She did loose a pound the week she was sick though.  She loves to stand!  She can balance for a few seconds on her own.  When you try to sit her down she locks her legs so she can stand.  She loves to chew on everything (especially remotes and Sophie the giraffe).  She is still a blankie baby.  She sleeps with one every night. 

She also has discovered her tongue and loves to stick it out...the cutest thing in the world. She is still drinking about 32 oz of formula a day (4x a day), and has liked every kind of baby food we have given her....squash, peas, green beans, sweet potatoes, all fruits, mixed veggies.  She has also started eating some puffs and she like tomatoes too:).

Overall, she is a very happy baby.  Very rarely cries and as of right now she is pretty soft spoken compared to her brother.  Every once in awhile she is will get a little loud, but she is all girl right now. 

Weight: 19lbs 6 oz - 69% (she was at 20lbs 6 oz, which would've put her in 75th percentile)
Height: 28 in - 42%
Head: 18 in - 91%

look at my tongue!

johnny jump up pro

the famous reach!

loves bath time!


morning hair....i feel your pain, sweetie

playing with daddy!

She's on the move!


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