growing rhamy family

growing rhamy family
love my little family


8 months

Yet another month has come and gone for the Rhamy family.  Bo is constantly doing something.  He is all over the place!  He loves to stand and can pull himself up!  He can crawl backwards and in a circle, but has Josh says, "His transmission is stuck in reverse".  But we have to keep an eye on him constantly because he is extremely close to knocking over a potted plant the other day.  He has been in size 3 diapers for awhile now and also has been in 12 month clothes for about a month (or more).  He really shot up from 6 to 7 months.  He basically skipped 9 month clothes and went straight to 12 monthers.  Still no teeth, but that doesn't stop his appetite.  He eats his "puffers" very well and also drinks out of his sippy cup.  He is growing so fast!  He has also pulled himself up in crib too, I was waiting for the day when that would happen:).  Changing his diaper has gone from "not as easy" to almost impossible.  You have to clear out everything in sight because he is constantly grabbing everything and rolling everywhere!  He still talks all the time, he has quite the personality!

One bad thing...Bo has been quite the scooter for the past couple months where he bounces and scoots on his butt at the same time...well, we USED to sit him on the ottoman in the sunroom, that is until now.  One morning I put him on the ottoman (in the middle, toward the back where it meets the couch), grabbed a bottle and turned on the water and I heard a thump...I instantly look and he was laying on his back in the front of the ottoman:(.  I grabbed him right before he started crying...I had never felt so bad in my life!!  He had managed to scoot all the way off in a matter of seconds, so needless to say he is put on the floor from now on:).

A few photos....

being goofy

i'm going to get you!

bath time

his first owie after falling off the couch - bad mom!

good morning!
playing with daddy

look what i can do!

And of course a few videos too....


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